About Us

The AMMT was estabilished in june 1989, we currently have 52 Marinas Associated, some of theme which have been members since the AMMT was first created.
We represent 85% of investments in the sector.

Our Mission

Participation Mechanisms

The AMMT actively involved in Nautical Tourism, Sport fishing which is coordinated by the Ministry of Tourism. As with the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, through the General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine, the General Administration of Customs, through the Administration of Customs Operations and Management Regulations of Foreign Trade.
The efforts of the AMMT, to various secretariats are designed to assist in the search for opportunities for regulatory improvement. Primarily working with the Ministry of Finance, Customs, SCT, Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR), Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the National Migration Institute (INM).
How we Operate

Our affiliates have constant communication with members of the Board and the Assemblies, they each present their proposals, which are analyzed and considered in the Group of Nautical Tourism, Sport fishing Group and bilateral meetings.
The Board sends Associates Activities Report progress achieved and outstanding, as well as information on new regulatory provisions that might impact the sector.

Promoting boating in Mexico
We have a long way to go to have adequate, easy to understand regulations in an environment that promotes legal certainty the development of this activity. Therefore, the AMMT should be aware of the interests of this sector (ships, their customs regime, docks, concessions , insurance, payments and duties , dry marinas , etc.) to ensure the development of nautical tourism, generating well paid direct and indirect jobs, and contributes to an economic benefit to the people of Mexico.

Board of Directors